Gluing joint (GJ)
Joint classification:
Glued, axial restrained.
(GRP/GRVE): “E” glass rovings, mats and woven rovings impregnated with resin (to be selected in relation to the conveyed fluid and to the design temperature).
The bell end is built during pipe manufacturing to obtain a monolithic structure, the spigot end is obtained after pipe manufacturing by turning the plain end with a given angle and length and it is usually machined on site as gluing shall be made immediately after turning. Hydraulic tightness is guaranteed by the putty used to perform the connection. 
Used in piping systems for any application and installed typically aboveground but also underground. The standard range of nominal diameters and pressure ratings available are indicated in the table below.

Nominal Diameter (DN) [mm]
from 25 to 600

(Maximum) Nominal Pressure (PN) [bar]
PN 20
  • Pipes can be cut at any length and fitting can be glued where required as pipes are Bell&Spigot and fittings are Bell/Bell, flanges can be either Bell or Spigot;
  • Reliable joining method (skilled personnel required);
  • Excellent mechanical properties;
  • Useful to perform possible dimensional adjustments on site.
  • Removal or reduction of the number and/or size of the anchor blocks;
  • Joint monolithically manufactured onto the pipe.
  Vat n. 01108420314 Legal notices

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