Legal notice and terms of use
This web site is property of Naval Compositi Srl, Via Cortona, 2/I - 33050 Fiumicello/UD, VAT: 01108420314.
The information provided on this web site are for informational purposes only. By using the Site you accept without limitation the Legal Notes shown on this page. Naval Compositi Ltd reserves the right to modify these notes at any time and without notice.

Company Information
Company name: Naval Compositi Ltd
VAT: 01108420314
Headquarter: Via Cortona, 2/I- 33050 Fiumicello/UD
REA: UD 294341
Share Capital € 50,000.00

Terms and conditions of use:
The website is an on-line information service. Its use is subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. If you do not agree them please do not use the site or download any materials from it.

Limited use

The contents of this website are Copyright © Naval Compositi Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of the website can not, either in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without previous written consent of Naval Compositi Ltd, subject to the possibility of storing on your computer or print copies of pages from this Site for personal use only. The trademarks and logos displayed on this website are property of Naval Compositi Ltd. They may not be used on any website other than the website without previous written consent of Naval Compositi Ltd. Name or any trademark including the trademark can not be used as Internet addresses of other websites or as part of such addresses without previous written consent of Naval Compositi Ltd.

Limits of liability

The information on this website is provided in good faith and Naval Compositi Ltd considers it accurate.
In any case, anyone wishing to purchase goods should not go on it and should make specific inquiry concerning the nature of the products and their suitability for the use to which they will do. Consequently, all information on this website is provided without any guarantee, implicit or explicit, of any type, including but not limited to product quality, suitability for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property rights. Under no circumstances Naval Compositi Ltd be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by utilizing this Site. The information contained in this website may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The information may be changed or updated without notice. Naval Compositi Ltd may also improve or change products described in this Web Site without notice.


Naval Compositi Ltd does not assume any responsibility for material created or published by third parties with whom the Site pages have a link to. Those who decide to visit a site linked to does so at own risk and assuming the responsibility to take all measures against viruses or other destructive elements. The Links with other websites does not imply that publicize and/or is affiliated with the entities providing the services described in the same.

Information received by Naval Compositi Ltd

Any material sent to, for example by e-mail or via World Wide Web pages will be deemed not confidential. Naval Compositi Ltd has no obligation of any kind with respect to such materials and will be free to reproduce, use, disclose, display, transform, create derivative works and distribute the materials to others without limitation. Naval Compositi Ltd will be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such materials for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and commercialization of products using such material. Anyone sending material guarantees that the same is publishable and agrees to stand surety Naval Compositi Ltd from all claims by third parties in relation to such materials.

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Law and jurisdiction

These conditions are regulated by Italian law. The Court of Gorizia, will have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising from these conditions. Nonetheless, Naval Compositi Ltd reserves the right, whenever it deems necessary, to take legal action before courts of countries other than Italy, to protect its interests and enforce their rights.
  Vat n. 01108420314 Legal notices

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