Flanged joint
Joint classification:
Mechanical, axial restrained.
(GRP/GRVE): “E” glass composite, consisting of mat and woven roving of proper weight, pre-impregnated with resin (to be selected in relation to the conveyed fluid and to the design temperature).
Resin-impregnated glass fibres layers are stratified on a circular flat mould of proper diameter up to reach the thickness required. Flange hub is laminated directly to the pipe end. The manufacturing process is the “Hand Lay Up” (HLU) system. Flange thickness and hub length are function of the design data.
Two flange configurations are available: welding neck flange and stub end flange with loose backing ring made of galvanized steel, stainless steel or fibreglass.
Typical solution to join fibreglass pipes to the equipments foreseen in the system (valves, pumps, condensers, expansion joints, etc...) and/or to other materials piping. Flanges can be manufactured according to the most common drilling standards (EN, ASME, AWWA, JIS, etc...) for connections with a wide range of equipments available on the market.
GRP / GRVE flanges are designed to match the requirements of the reference piping classes in terms of pressure and dimensions. GRP/GRVE flanges shall be connected to flat-face flanges; in case of connections to raised-face flanges spacers shall be used to avoid excessive bending stresses in the GRP/GRVE collar. 
  • Easy connection to equipments and/or other materials piping;
  • Easy assembly and disassembly of the piping system;
  • Easy holes alignment thanks to the loose backing ring (stub end only).
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