Butt & Strap or Branch connection weld joint
Joint classification:
Laminated, axial restrained.
(GRP/GRVE): “E” glass composite, consisting of mat and woven roving of proper weight, pre-impregnated with resin (to be selected in relation to the conveyed fluid and to the design temperature).
Permanent joint consisting of resin-impregnated glass fibres layers wound around the two plain ends of the pipes or fittings to be welded. The manufacturing process is the “Hand Lay Up” (HLU) system. Length and thickness of the laminate are function of the design data. This jointing system guarantees a safe and long-lasting connection.
Used in piping systems for marine, civil and industrial applications, to be installed both underground and aboveground. It is the typical solution for pipe to fitting joint and therefore used in our workshop to build prefabricated spools. On site this jointing system can be used for the complete installation of the piping system or just to perform the field weldings.
  • Reliable joining method (skilled personnel required);
  • Excellent mechanical properties;
  • No special tools required;
  • Useful to perform possible dimensional adjustments on site.
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