Sector: Naval & off shore  
Fiberglass components - Serie VEMAR
For shipbuilding sector (cruise, merchant, military,
big yachts and offshore), Naval Compositi Ltd
provides a wide range of pipes, fittings and
prefabricated systems made of GRP/GRVE that
eliminate all problems of site assembly all in
according to sector-specific rules, and regulations
of the main naval Class Society.

Use of GRP/GRVE products (pipes, fittings and special pieces) realized in a complete range of thermosetting resins (Isophthalic, Vinylester and Epoxy) offers superior performance to traditional materials such steel, cu-ni and thermoplastic
(PVC, PP, PE, etc.) due to their peculiar
long life due to the excellent resistance to
corrosion and chemical attack (sea water, C2O,
H2s, solvents, thermal water, oily water, etc.);
superior hydraulic characteristics due to their
very low internal roughness, which remains
constant over time (between 0.0015 and
0.02 mm);
easy handling due to the lightness (about ¼
of the weight of steel). The pipes requires
less staff and equipment to be installed;
fast installation, thanks to the various types
of available junction with consequent assembly
costs lower.
Sector: Industry  
Fiberglass components - Serie VEIND
For the industrial sector and special applications, Naval Compositi Ltd supplies
its products for applications in chemical, petrochemical, thermoelectric and hydroelectric markets.

Range of products available, highly customizable, can respond to the most varied requests by the Client.

Use of fiberglass components of VEIND series
is particularly indicated in cases where it is
necessary a specialized product able to respond
effectively to the problems encountered
in plant engineering in general, ie:
investment costs offset by very low operating
costs than to traditional products (steel, etc.);
easy installation and connection thanks to
the lightness of the material itself and the
different joining systems;
absence of specific maintenance due to the
type of material that makes it the ideal
solution in the long term;
superior hydraulic performance thanks
to low internal roughness which results
in lower pressure losses;
high mechanical and anticorrosive properties.
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